Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Question about pollen and weather conditions

Mary Lou "Asked Mike" "with such swings in temperature these days, when can allergy sufferers be confident that outside allergans are finally dead for the winter?

The answer is...the pollen part is a bit out of my area, but with springlike conditions over the next few days, anything that's still alive and that can respond to highs in the 70s and 80s may "puff" out a little pollen. It also depends what area you live in.

Today is a good example. There are two allergan reporting stations in Colorado Springs, and as of this afternoon, one was reporting traces of sage, ragweek, goosefoot, pigweed, saltbush and Russian thistle. The other one (and the one I'd trust more) was reporting nothing.

Remember that there are also things inside your home that can trigger your allergies, and an "allergy pro" can help you get a handle on these.

For more information, I'd refer you to the William Storms Allergy Clinic
(I've interviewed him for stories in the past, and was impressed with what he knows).

Don't forget to "Ask Mike" your weather-related question. I've got the answer to another interesting one tomorrow.

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